- Килька Томилинская -Spray Tomilinskaya
- Вес170 г
- Калорийность270
- 170 гр.
Tomlinskaya sprat is served with pickled onions and Borodino bread croutons
- Сельдь в горчичном соусе -Herring in mustard sauce
- Вес270 г
- Калорийность365
- 270 гр.
Herring in mustard sauce is served with cherry potatoes, pickled onions and Borodino bread croutons
Herring "in a coat" is a classic Russian salad "Herring under a fur coat" with a potato pillow with garlic paste, slices of herring are laid, everything is layered with mayonnaise and wrapped in a "coat" of boiled carrots, egg white and boiled beets.
- Сельдь Иваси -Iwashi herring
- Вес150 г
- Калорийность285
- 150 гр.
Iwashi herring is served with cherry potatoes, pickled onions and Borodino bread croutons.
- Сельдь Балтийская на бородинском хлебе с яйцом -Baltic herring on the Borodino bread with egg
- Вес240 г
- Калорийность330
- 240 гр.
Baltic herring is served on Borodino bread with egg and mayonnaise
Caspian zalom - herring is a collective term for several species of fish that are mined in the Volga River